Thursday, March 26, 2009

Teeth Trouble

When I took the kids in for their dental cleaning in January, the dentist recommended that I take Meda to be evaluated by an orthodontist. They had her do molds of her mouth and lots of pictures and X-rays. Yesterday I went in to meet with the orthodontist to discuss her diagnosis and treatment recommendation. As it turns out, my poor daughter has a jacked up mouth!! She has extra teeth growing everywhere, which are obviously her permenant teeth growing around her still intact baby teeth. She has an open bite and a tongue thrust which could have both been caused by her thumb sucking (but not necessarily). Take a look at her pictures.

These are the molds of her teeth and the 2 of the appliances they want to use on her.

She will get a lingual arch on the bottom and a transpalatal arch on the top

Poor Baby!!!

The first step is to get her into her dentist to have 4 of her teeth pulled. Lucky for her she lost 2 of the 6 he wanted pulled over spring break. After that I will take her in for another set of molds and to have the appliances put in. In addition to the 2 fixtures above, she will have "cleats" bonded to the backside of her upper and lower front teeth. These will keep her from thrusting her tongue forward and hopefully help her train her brain to swallow differently. Wish us luck with this adventure!!!


Jenny said...

Hey, that's not so bad! Just a little bracket! Nothing like the enormous headgear of the eighties, right?

Of course, it IS so bad on your pocketbook. *Sigh...both Steven and I had braces...I anticipated being somewhere in your situation in a few years...

Trish said...

Wow! Lots of dental work! Good luck Meda! Poor girl!