Friday, February 27, 2009

My sweet little chubbidy wub

Theron is so sweet! He is also following the McKinney baby tradition of not crawling. Meda and Collin were both 10 months before they took off on all fours. Even though I am not looking forward to him getting into everything, it will be nice that he can entertain himself a bit easier. This is an example of how we entertain him now.

He had his 9 month appointment this week. He is doing well, but he is chronically congested. The doctor seems to think that will resolve once he becomes mobile. He was borderline anemic, so we will be giving him vitamins. His stats are (drum roll please):

length: 27 3/4 inches (25th percentile)
weight: 18 lbs 14 oz. (10-25th percentile)
head circumference: 47 cm (90th percentile) I know...Jeff and I know how to grow big headed boys!

He really enjoys his bathtime!! Everytime he hears the water running he starts to rock back and forth and chant "ba ba ba". It is so cute. I know I am going to get it for this picture in 15 years, but what the heck!

He still doesn't have any sign of teeth, but he will gum anything until it dissolves just about completely. Here is a picture of him eating meatloaf and potatoes:

Theron has also been really getting into giving kisses. If you ask him for a kiss he will more than give you one. He comes at your face with an open mouth and presses his mouth very firmly against your face all while grasping your face and/or hair. Please see for yourself...

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