Monday, November 3, 2008

Happy Halloween weekend

Friday night I took Collin and Meda out trick or treating while Mimi and Papa stayed at the house to hand out candy with Theron. Our street is very busy and we easily get 200 kids come by each year so most people on our street just sit in lawn chairs on the driveway so they do not have to stand at their front door.

This was the first year that we went around the entire block. The kids were really enjoying themselves until we were just about all the way around. Collin then asked me to carry his candy because it was too heavy and Meda stated "I want to go to just 2 more houses, Mom. That's it." It was a fun time and I'm still slowly sneaking the loot to work to keep them from eating entirely too much sugar.

Mr. Incredible and my little leopard
Meda really loves pencils

Saturday morning we went to a birthday party for one of Collin's classmates. It was at Jumpin' Jungle (one of the kids' favorite places). I didn't even realize it, but apparently the roof came off of the place with Ike and they just recently opened back up. The smell of brand new plastic was very obvious as they had all new inflatables. M & C really enjoyed playing on all the brand new stuff. Even Theron enjoyed the busy atmosphere with lots to look at.

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