Friday, November 21, 2008


It is absolutley amazing being a mom. You get to experience so much joy by way of your children, especially their cute little -isms. Collin is a funny little guy. He is very particular about what he wears and how he looks. For example, Jeff has always wanted Collin's hair cut VERY short (like his) and Collin decided a few months ago that he no longer wanted short hair like his Daddy. It killed Jeff to see his longer hair (not hippie long, but regular boy cut). Jeff took him to the barber shop a few weeks ago and more or less tricked him into getting his hair buzzed again so now Collin goes absolutely no place without his hat (with the exception of church, of course). He even wore his hat for his school pictures yesterday!

He also seems to categorize his apparel. Yesterday Jeff tried to get him to a belt that Collin refused to put on because it was a "church belt" not a "school belt". Collin wasn't giving up and Jeff wasn't going down without a fight. He ended up changing into a pair of jeans that didn't need a belt to stay up. Geez...

Okay, one more Collinism and then I have to get off here. Collin recently got a new package of socks. For some reason in this package half of the socks have blue trim and half of them have red. When I folded them I just put whichever ones I could find together, some blue+blue, some red+red, and some blue+red. Collin had a FIT!!!

Collin: "Mom, why do you keep putting the different socks togeder?"
Me: "Well, Collin it doesn't matter. They are the same kind of sock and you can't see the red or blue anyway, it is inside your shoe."
Collin: "but I take my shoes of at naptime, I don't want anyone to see my socks don't match."

How could I argue with that. The next 6 minutes was spent searching for the other blue trimmed sock. I can't have that happen to my baby boy :0)


Unknown said...

That is so funny! I love that he cant have mismatched socks! He is so cute, I cant wait till Brooke starts talking and doing that kind of thing.

Jared-Monica-Brooke-Caleb said...

That was me I accidentally didn't realize I was logged in as my sister in law, sorry I'm such a dork!

Marby said...

Yes, you are a dork. I know that Diana loves your daughter, but I was wondering why she couldn't wait for Noah to do those things. LOL!!