Wednesday, February 6, 2008

I finally caught it...

After months of diligent handwashing and disinfecting I finally caught it! The sick germ. It must have been last weekend off the shopping cart because they didn't have anymore disinfecting wipes left. I REALLY didn't want to get sick this winter because I can't take a whole lot to make me feel better, ugh!! My face is swollen from my sinuses and my eyes feel like they are going to pop right out of my face right after my eardrums rupture. OK, I feel better now that I whined a bit, now let me tell you about my poor Collin.

Yesterday when I picked him up from school he had a puffy little red face indicating he had been crying. He was very glad to see me and starting crying again telling me his ear hurt. I immediately knew it was an ear infection, even with no other symptoms. I starting driving him to his pediatrician's office and he cried the ENTIRE way there. Collin is a very tough little guy, he doesn't even cry when he gets his shots, so I knew he was in pain. Of course he had another ear infection so we promptly went to the pharmacy to fill his antibiotics and he is on his way to recovery. After his surgery last year I thought he would have less ear infections. The ENT said he would be less suseptible since he would not have his tonsills or adenoids. I found these pictures of him last May when he had his surgery...poor baby!

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