Sunday, April 13, 2008

Busy Weekend...

I began this weekend by taking Meda to see Disney's High School Musical on Ice. She absolutely loves High School Musical. I can't say that I have ever seen it, but it was fun none the less. I surprised Meda with the tickets when she got home from school on Friday. Just imagine the Reliant Stadium filled with young girls (and boys) caught up in this super blissful HSM mania! There was actually a teenager sitting behind me that screamed every word to every song...even Meda was giving her weird looks.

The basketball scene

Go Eastside Wildcats!!

Meda and her $15 souvenir cup!! (I know!!)

Thanks, Mom!!

On Saturday we went to Meda's school for their annual Spring Carnival. The kids had a lot of fun. I volunteered to work one of the game booths for an hour. That was a lot of work! There seemed to be hundreds of kids swarming around with ticket in hand. Jeff and I started our shift at 12:50 with the idea that we would be finished by 2pm. WRONG!! Apparently it's quite common for parents to sign up for that kind of stuff and then not show. We were there until about 2:40. We just didn't' have the heart to leave the one lady (out of 4 that signed up) by herself to serve the crowd.

Today we just have been relaxing since we came home from Church. Jeff has been napping since 3pm (its 8:00 now). He must be feeling sympathy fatigue. :0)

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